Welcome back to Read Not Guess. Today we’re going to work on the letter “s” when it makes a “zzz” sound.
Remember that we’re going to focus on the sounds the letters make. Both parent and child will need to be able to see the screen.
Ok, let’s get started.
Today’s Letter Sounds

Tell your child that some letters can make more than one sound. The letter “s” can make a “sss” sound like in the words “sad” or “kiss.” It can also make a “zzz” sound, as in the words “is” or at the end of plural words like “hats.”
(If you need help, check out this short YouTube video to hear the s as a zzz sound.)
Have them read the word “is” to practice the s as a zzz sound:
i s
h is
h is
Did they get it right? If they're reading it as "huh-ih-zuh," ask them to blend the sounds faster until they are reading the word "his" clearly and cleanly. Let’s do a few more:
a s
h as
h as
Silly Sentences
If you think your child is ready, see if they can read these:
Sam’s dogs ran in a shed.
Bob’s bag has a gap in it.
Pam felt sick and is not well.
Now let’s try a few with the word “was.” It can be tricky, but see if your child can sound it out based on what they know so far about the “w” and “s as a z” sounds. If they struggle, have them re-read it another time or two to get it right.
I fell in mud and got wet. I was a mess.
Dad was as mad as a bull.
But I was not mad. I was not sad. I had fun.
That’s it for today. We’ll see you next time.