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The Letter "M"

Welcome back to Read Not Guess. Today we’re going to work on the letter “M.”

Remember that we’re going to focus on the sounds the letters make. Both parent and child will need to be able to see the screen.

Ok, let’s get started.

Today’s Letter Sound

Today we’re going to work on the letter "M." It’s pronounced “mmm” as in "mouse" or “mama.”

Ask your child to make the “mmm” sound 3 times as they point to the letters:

m m m Ask your child if they can think of any words that start with the “mmm” sound. If they need help, the words magnet, marker, and mall all start with the “mmm” sound.

Have them say the “mmm” sound 3 more times as they point to the letters:

m m m Letter Quiz

We’ve worked through 10 letters so far. Now let’s check for understanding. Ask your child to say the correct sounds as they point to the letters:

m u p e t Word Practice

Now we’re going to work on “blending” letter sounds into words. Your child can start slowly by saying each sound individually, but each time, they should try to say it just a bit faster.

Ask your child to say the correct sounds as they point to the letters:

m a t m at mat Did they get it right? If they're still reading it as "mmm-aaa-tuh" by the end of the sequence, ask them to do it faster until they are reading the word "mat" correctly.

Let's try a few more:

m a p m ap map And:

g a p g ap gap And:

m u g m u g mug And:

m e t m e t met


m e n m e n men

One more to try:

m e ss m e ss mess Rhyming Challenge

Ask your child to pick out which of these three words does not belong (does not rhyme):

man / plan / stun

ham / hum / drum

hem / hand / stem

That’s it for today. We’ll see you next time.


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