Welcome back to Read Not Guess. Today we’re going to keep working on Magic E words when they are followed with an “s” or “d” at the end.
Both parent and child will need to be able to see the screen.
Let’s get started.
Word Practice
Today we're going to practice adding to Magic E words in a few ways. First, have your child read these words that end with the “s as a zzz” sound. (Remind them that the Magic E is silent and does not make its own sound!):
take / takes
home / homes
use / uses
bite / bites
amuse / amuses
Now let’s try some that end with the “d” sound. Again, remind them that the Magic E is silent:
use / used
like / liked
poke / poked
blame / blamed
hope / hoped
complete / completed
Decodable Story
To help your child practice these skills, see if they can read this story, adapted from FreeReading.net.

Rate It!
Pete likes to rate everything. He turns it into a game.
He gives a bad score to stuff he hates.
He gives a good score to stuff that he likes a lot.
Pete rates cake as a ten, for sure.
He gives that book over there a six.
Lots of stuff could be rated.
His brother, Steve, would give this game a seven. How would you rate it?
If they read it smoothly, great! If they stumble with anything, have them go back and practice until they can read it fluently.
That’s it for today. We’ll see you next time.