Welcome back to Read Not Guess. Today we’re going to work on words that end with “ink,” “ank,” “onk,” and “unk.”
Both parent and child will need to be able to see the screen.
Ok, let’s get started.
The “ink” Sound
We're going to follow a very similar pattern as the "ing, ang, ong, and ung lesson. Start by asking your child to say the word “sink” very slowly. It should come out as “sss-ink.” Now have them read the word as they point to the letters:
s ink
s ink
Can they name any words that rhyme with “sink?” Give them a high-five or fist pound for every word they can correctly rhyme with the “ink” sound.
Now let’s see if they can read some words with the “ing” sound:
l ink
w ink
th ink
The “ank” Sound
Now let’s do the same thing with the word “sank.” Ask your child to say it very slowly. It should come out as “sss-ank.” Now have them read the word as point to the letters:
s ank
s ank
Can they name any words that rhyme with “sank?” Give them a high-five or fist pound for every word they can correctly rhyme with the “ank” sound.
Now let’s see if they can read some words with the “ang” sound:
b ank
t ank
r ank
The “unk” Sound
Now let’s do the same thing with the word “sunk.” Ask your child to say it very slowly. It should come out as “sss-unk.” Now have them read the word as point to the letters:
s unk
s unk
Can they name any words that rhyme with “sunk?” Give them a high-five or fist pound for every word they can correctly rhyme with the “unk” sound.
Now let’s see if they can read some words with the “unk” sound:
j unk
th unk
The “onk” Sound
Now let’s do the same thing with the word “honk.” Ask your child to say it very slowly. It should come out as “h-onk.” Now have them read the word as point to the letters:
h onk
h onk
Can they name any words that rhyme with “honk?” This is a tough one! Give them a high-five or fist pound for every word they can correctly rhyme with the “onk” sound.
Now let’s see if they can read some words with the “onk” sound:
c onk
b onk
Quick Practice
Give your child some more practice by reading these. (There are some tricks in here!):
Sink, sank, sung
Shrink, shrank, shrunk
Stink, stank, skunk
Hank, hunk, honk
Thank, thing, think
Bring, brink
If they stumble, have them try it again. Re-reading might sound boring to adults, but it’s good practice for kids!
That’s it for today. We’ll see you next time.