The Daily(ish) Decodable program uses a standard format to work through one sound per day. There are simple instructions for you, the parent or caregiver, and any words in big bold letters are meant for your child to read out loud.
Today we're working on words that end in "...le" like "apple" and "little." If your child needs more practice with this sound, start here.
Now on to today's lesson…
Rhyme It
Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?
pickle tickle
tackle ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to the word "apple" 3 times (remind them the "le" sound at the end makes the last consonant say "ull"): apple
------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words: little

Read It Have your child read the passage below:
The Little Apple
My uncle says I am too picky.
As an example, I sometimes think the apples at the store are too big. Why do they have to be that way?!
When I try to eat one of those big apples, I can't finish the whole thing.
But yesterday I saw a little yellow apple sitting in the middle of all the rest. It was small and simple and perfect.
I ate that apple all up. And that made my belly happy.
Explain It
Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:
What is the author's problem?
The author talks about apples that are very big. Do you know any other words that mean "very big?"