Today we’re going to work on the "-ow" sound in words like "show" and "low." If your child needs more practice with this sound, start here.
Note also that today's "Read It" section is part II of a nursery rhyme. Part I is here.
Now on to today's lesson...
Rhyme It
Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?
black brown down ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to the word "low" 3 times as they read it in a deep (low) voice: low
------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words: row, row, row

Read It Have your child read the passage below:
{This is part 2. Find part 1 here.}
O was an owner, who owned most of the town
P was a parent, who never sat down
Q was a queen, who had a silk slip
R was a robber, who had a bad grip
S was a singer, who sang all day long
T was a tinker, and mended a gong
U was an undertaker, who dug in the dirt
V was a vendor, who sold all himself
W was a watchman, who blocked the door
X needed extra, and so became poor
Y was a yam, that did not go to school
Z was zany, a poor harmless fool
Explain It
Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:
What happened to the parent in the story?
Who was the "S" in the poem, and what did they do?