We already worked on the “-tion” ending. Today we're going to work on the “-sion” sound at the end of words like “vision” and “mission.”
Rhyme It
Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?
vision eyes decision ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to and say the word "mission" three times (it should sound like "mish-shun"): miss ion
miss ion
------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words out loud:

Read It
Have your child read the passage below out loud:
Mario's Mission
Mario woke up with a simple mission.
He said, “I need to find a television for my home.”
Mario started his quest. He walked a mile until he found a television for sale.
The television was big, but his passion gave him strength.
The trip back home was hard, and he did it slowly. But Mario knew that with vision, passion, and action, any mission can be a win.
And with that, Mario's mission was complete.
Today's story was adapted with permission from LitLab.ai. Use LitLab to create your own customized decodable stories.
Explain It
Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:
What was Mario's mission?
Was Mario's mission easy? How do you know?