The Daily(ish) Decodable program uses a standard format to work through one sound per day. There are simple instructions for you, the parent or caregiver, and any words in big bold letters are meant for your child to read out loud.
Today we're going to work on blending the "unk" sound in words like "trunk."
You can review all of the prior lessons here.
Rhyme It
Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?
smell skunk junk ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to and blend the word "dunk" three times: d un k
d un k
------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words out loud:

Read It
Have your child read the passage below out loud:
It's Not Junk!
My mother stops outside my room. “Ew, what is that smell?” she asks.
“What?” I say.
“Your room. You have junk all over the floor. Your desk is full of gunk. Your trunk is so full it can't even shut,” she explains.
“It's not junk!” I cry out. “I love all my stuff. I can't live without it.”
“Well, it smells like a skunk in there. Clean it up before dinner.”
I say okay and get in motion. By dinner time, Mom says it looks better.
I relax. It may look like junk to her, but that stuff is important to me.
Explain It
Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:
Without looking, can you spell the word "trunk?"
Do you own anything that other people might think of as "junk" but which you really love?