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Daily(ish) Decodable: Words like "bread"

The Daily(ish) Decodable program uses a standard format to work through one sound per day. There are simple instructions for you, the parent or caregiver, and any words in big bold letters are meant for your child to read out loud. 

We recently worked on the “ea” sound in “eat.” Today we're going to work on the soft “ea” sound in words like “head” and “bread.” 

You can review all of the prior lessons here

Rhyme It

Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?





Say It

Have your child point to and say the word "head" three times:





Blend It

Have your child read these words out loud:










Read It

Have your child read the passage below out loud.

Bake Bread


I like to eat bread. But do you know how to make it? It is pretty simple. Bread only has four things in it: Flour, salt, yeast, and water.


I have a very simple way to bake bread. Want to hear it? Ready? 


First, get a bowl.


Then add:

  • Three cups of flour,

  • Two teaspoons of salt,

  • One-half of a teaspoon of yeast, and

  • One and one-half cups of warm water.

Stir it together, cover the bowl, and let it rest for 10-15 hours.


(You will probably need an adult to bake it!)

Have them get a big pan with a lid and put it in the oven. Then heat the oven to 450.


When the pan is really hot, dump the bread mix into the hot pan. It will be very hot! Cover it with the lid, and bake it for 30 minutes.


Then, take the lid off, and bake it for another 15 minutes.


After that, you will have yummy, fresh, crispy bread! 


Explain It

Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:

  1. What are the four basic ingredients in bread?

  2. How long, in total, did the bread need to bake?


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