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Daily(ish) Decodable: The "oa" sound in "boat" and "coat"

The Daily(ish) Decodable program uses a standard format to work through one sound per day. There are simple instructions for you, the parent or caregiver, and any words in big bold letters are meant for your child to read out loud. 


If you want to review any prior lessons, those are all freely available here


Today we're going to work on the "oa" sound in words like "boat" or "coat."

Rhyme It Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?

coat jacket boat ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to and blend the word "boat" three times (remind them the "oa" makes the long "o" sound here): b oa t

b oa t


------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words out loud:











Read It

Have your child read the passage below out loud:

Root Beer Float Day


Today is August sixth.


It is also Root Beer Float Day!


Have you ever had a root beer float?


They are pretty good, and they are simple to make. Here are the steps:


Step One: Get a tall glass.


Step Two: Put a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream into the glass.


Step Three: Slowly fill the rest of the glass with root beer soda. But watch out—it will bubble over the top if you put in too much.


Step Four: Drink it up with a straw (and you might need a spoon as well).


Step Five: Enjoy! 


Explain It

Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:

  1. What day is it today?

  2. In your own words, how do you make a root beer float?


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