Today we're going to keep working on adding an "r" at the end of Magic E words. These can be tricky, so remind your child that the Magic E still makes the vowel say its name.
Now on to the lesson…
Rhyme It
Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?
diner restaurant miner ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to and read the word "rider" three times: ride r
ride r
------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words: use / user
dive / diver
Pete / Peter
clove / clover
tone / toner
poke / poker
late / later
skate / skater
game / gamer

Read It
Have your child read the passage below.
Peter Piper
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?
Explain It
Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:
This story is called a “tongue twister?” Do you know any other tongue twisters?
Can you make up a tongue twister with the "m" sound?