The Daily(ish) Decodable program uses a standard format to work through one sound per day. There are simple instructions for you, the parent or caregiver, and any words in big bold letters are meant for your child to read out loud.
Today we're going to do Magic E words in the past tense. These can be tricky, so remind your child that the Magic E still makes the vowel say its name.
You can review all of the prior lessons here.
Rhyme It
Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?
Say It
Have your child point to and blend the word "baked" three times:
b ake d
b ake d
Blend It
Have your child read these words out loud:
tape / taped
snake / snaked
quake / quaked
hike / hiked
dine / dined
dice / diced
use / used
rule / ruled
hope / hoped
store / stored

Read It
Have your child read the passage below out loud.
The First Speeding Ticket
The first speeding ticket was awarded on this day a long time ago in England.
The driver was a man named Walter Arnold.
Cars were brand new back then, and the speed limit at that time was only 2 miles per hour. That's slower than you can walk! Arnold was fined for going just 8 miles per hour!
After Arnold got his ticket, the speed limit increased to 14 miles per hour. I bet you could ride that fast on a bike!
Explain It
Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:
What was today's story about?
How fast was Walter Arnold driving when he got the first speeding ticket?