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Daily(ish) Decodable: Magic E review

Today we're going to review the Magic E sound. Remind your child that when a word ends with a Magic E, the “e” at the end is silent, but it makes the vowel that come before it say its own name. (Or start here for more practice.) 

Rhyme It Parents, read the following words out loud. Then ask your child which one does NOT rhyme with the others?

take look rake ------------------------------- Say It Have your child point to and say the word "make" three times: m ake

m ake


------------------------------- Blend It Have your child read these words out loud:











Read It

Have your child read the passage below out loud:

Blake the Mule


Blake, the mule, woke up in his home.


He ate his oats and drank his milk. Blake felt full and said, “It is late! Time to get going!”


He left his home and set off to hike.


He pushed open a gate and saw a grove with grapes. The grapes were ripe. He picked a grape and ate it. Blake felt brave and chose to explore some more. He found a path that led to a lake.


Blake sat happily by the lake and watched the sun set. 

Today's story was adapted with permission from Use LitLab to create your own customized decodable stories.


Explain It

Now have your child answer a couple questions about the story:

  1. In the story, what did Blake eat or drink?

  2. Without looking back, can you spell the word "gate?"


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